What's the future?


I’m on a bit of a blog roll at the moment. That sounds a bit like lavatory humour. But after listening to some seventies music, I started to think about the future. It’s uncertain for all of us really. Who knows how our beast will go on affecting us.

best wishes, Steve.

Hi Steve

Interesting blog, thanks. I agree whole heartedly with you about a cure for ms being a good place to start when thinking about the future, but do I REALLY believe it will happen…the jury is still out on that one, I don’t think it will be in my lifetime, but hopefully in the future.

I remember being a child, long time ago now, but we would be up the woods all day, getting ourselves and clothes dirty, and going home when the hunger pangs could not be tolerated anymore, but so enjoying those days. The day’s seemed to stay lighter for longer in my memories, or perhaps that’s just a figment of my imagination.

I feel sad that my grandchildren do not get these experiences, but, as you say, social media has erupted into their lives.

Hope all is well for you, take care and keep blogging!

Pam x