
I am taking Baclofen and I am accusing my husband of sleeping with women on the internet. Am I developing paranoia?

Are you asking if baclofen is causing this? Never of it causing paranoia.


I have it randomly when I cannot sleep, eg 1 one week, 2 next week, then 0 next week, I have problems sleeping.

Baclofen is not a sleep aid, and it defiantly will not cause paranoia. You need to ask a Dr, or MS nurse.


Bless you… When I was suspicious of my gorgeous husband I was later diagnosed with a severe episode of depression… hardly surprising that we suspect our sexual partners of misdemeanours when ppms causes such internal and external mayhem… not a time for most of us to be feeling sexually attractive. I eventually had a 13 week course of cbt with a fantastic psychologist, tough but effective… which, with medication (citalapram) worked for me.

do wish you well.