how to stay positive

How does everyone stay positive? Any suggestions. also any tips on how to not worry so much about the unknown. I have two little kids and its constantly weighing on my mind.

I always told myself i would deal with things like relapses IF and When they happened,and thats what i have done for the last 26 yr of having MS,i dealt with the bad times,when they happened and did not dwell on the ‘what ifs’ its the only way i could deal with it.

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Maybe some people are capable of wrestling themselves into a positive frame of mind by sheer force of will, but I’m not one of them.

The best I can manage (and I don’t always manage this) is to take time to notice good things - the lighter afternoons, birds clearly aware that Spring is on the way, the nice dinner that was a fiddle but worth the effort, a quiet evening with the people you love around you. That sort of thing. Taking time to notice those moments is positive thinking, but in our busy world it is easy to let them fly by unacknowledged, particularly when we are sad or frightened.

So my suggestion would be: instead of trying to generate positive thinking out of thin air, pay attention to the sweet moments that are right here right now. By which I mean try to notice and enjoy them for their own sake and in their pure form - uncontaminated by the worries running round in your head. The worries about the future won’t go away, obviously, but they will find it harder to dominate while you are deliberately placing your whole attention on a good moment in the here and now. Even a moment of respite from constant worries is a blessing when things are tough. And those moments can start to add up.

Good luck.


Desperately want to say gin, but I promise I’m joking! For me, it’s just been about getting on with stuff and frankly ignoring it as much as I can. Take the joy in the things you’ve always enjoyed, be present for the family and come here when you’re feeling down - there will always be someone who can give you a little cheery nudge or just a virtual hug. Speaking for myself, I used to roam about these pages without ever saying anything so you’ve made a really brave step by shouting up and asking for advice. Keep doing that, we will see you right x

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I’m with Alison when it comes to positive thinking. It’s great when you’re actually feeling quite positive, but just don’t beat yourself up for being scared about the future and pretty negative about having just had this tonne of excrement dumped on you.

I suspect that having children means you are required to put a brave face on things more than those of us without them. (Or whose children are grown up.)

It may well be that once you get started on your DMD, get any other residual symptoms medicated, and possibly have had some therapy, you might feel most of the time, pretty ‘normal’. And that might make all the difference for you. You may then be able to see light where at the moment everything is dark.


Hiya, follow Glasgow rangers and your worries will be all forgotten about. sorry scrub that, follow them will make you suicidal, just think of all your pluses in life, your kids, growing up, their school concerts, their homemade cards and presents for you, their love, their kisses, their futures, holidays and days out together, the future is bright, the future is now, the next day and every day afterwards, may happiness surround you comfortable, Brian

I think part of staying positive is being in control. Or, at least, believing that you’re in control.

Getting to know your symptoms and what to expect is one aspect.

Knowing your body and how much to expect of yourself is another. In other words, pace yourself. I know, easier said than done with children to care for.

Assuming that you’re taking any pain relief, tinker with the dose to find out what the optimum amount is. If you find that you can get by with less than you are prescribed that can be a little victory.

I appreciate that these might sound like trivial exercises but it all adds up.

Finally; get a cool avatar.

Best wishes,
