Brain Fog

Brain Fog Memo

  • Switch things on before use.

  • Look at diary for today’s appointments.

  • Feed spouse/children/pets.

  • Kettles need to be filled.

  • Your keys are where you put them yesterday.

  • That “ping” means something is ready.

  • Write it down.

  • Cars need fuel to run on.

  • Keep your phone number in your purse or wallet.

  • If you start making the scissors action with your fingers, retrace your steps until you remember why.


Or, as my dear mother used to reply vaguely, when asked why that cooker timer was sounding, ‘It means that the time I set it for is up.’



Yes, all good, but how to find the exact word one began sentence with in mind?

Or in fact what was the point of the sentence?

Or what was the object one started looking for after 5 minute of of searching have elapsed?

I no longer have responsibility for at least 6 of your list. And I’m very happy about that. It removes the stress from life.



Hi all. Had one of my most annoying brain fog thingies this morning. In shower, washed my hair with shampoo, intended to put on conditioner. and rinse it off…By the time I’ve dried off I couldn’t remember whether I actually used the conditioner!

This sort of thing happens quite often now - like my most immediate short term memory facility is faulty.

So either MS or age, or combination of the two…



Hi Sue,

And I’m very happy to hear it.

Do you want me to get back to you when you’re feeling better?


hi anthony

lou’s comment made me remember a conversation i had with my younger sister.

i tried to explain how ms has made me lose my memory

she said she has the same problem and she doesn’t have ms.

so i suggested that it was our advancing age to blame and we could end up in a home for the bewildered.

she said that she wouldn’t remember why she was there.

we both got giddy and planned to have adjoining rooms in the home for the bewildered.

so as long as you can have attacks of the sillies , no problem.

carole x


Hi Louise,

Thank for your contribution to this thread. Please don’t mention your personal hygiene again; there are are specialist web-sites that cater for that sort of thing.


(P.S. Which brand of shampoo do you use?)

Hi Carole,

Thank you for your contribution to this thread. Do you have any particular home in mind.



If I were you, I wouldn’t tell him which home - you might find yourself in adjoining rooms with both your sister and Mr Durer!


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Sorry, what was the point of this thread?



That would be an Attack of the Sillies to remember!

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and so I switch channels with the remote control* and I can’t recall without a massive effort what programme I’d just been watching.

  • be careful not to confuse with a mobile phone!
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Hi Krak,

I’d probably diagnose a bout of “Selective Daytime TV Amnesia”. It’s a surprisingly common problem reported as a side effect of watching TV; instead of healthy outdoor pursuits. I enjoy a bracing tour of Hampstead Heath Common twice a day; polished off with a dip in the lido with new found friends.

Paradoxically, the preferred treatment is to join the Merchant Navy as an engineer. This will ensure that your body clock will be so comprehensively jiggered by the marine watch system that you won’t have the foggiest idea what day it is, let alone the time.

I hope it all woks out for you.

Albrecht Durer

Hon. Stoker (3rd Class)


Hello Anthony.



Best apples.

Hi Steve,


You know what really gets my goat?

Using things to jog my memory, then completely forgetting what the item used as an aide memoir is supposed to remind me of!

Or, parking an object next to car keys ‘so it doesn’t get forgotten’ and forgetting it.

Arse! That’s all I can say.


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Who are you?

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Who are you?

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I blame Lovejoy. I’m ok till I’ve watched that then the brain fog takes over and I can’t remember my a from my e.

I dragged my dodgy leg up to the co-op the other day and the nice lady who helps me said ‘Are you ok, do you need any help?’ and I had to tell her I couldn’t remember why the heck I had come up or what it was for. So I went home and watched Where the Heart is in the hope of restoring the balance!

Fortunately, everyone who knows me and especially family know that I have always been a bit woo on the remembering and sensible side so for me and them, it’s not much different to before.


Thank you Hebe,

That’s a very encouraging read.

A bit woo? Next time you hop down to the Co-Op could you pick up a few things I forgot?
