100 words

not normally a trend follower, but captain Tom’s daughter suggested a 100 something challenge. I can’t do much, so words it is…

I think and I think, and I think some more

I think about thinking of going outdoors

It’s not lockdown keeping me locked in

but this failing body and mind within

covid is fearsome to many I’m sure

but it’s not the reason I can’t find the door

I’m losing at winning. I don’t have the fight

but I keep getting up from another fitful night

washing and dressing, and pretending all day

to be normal and happy

but I’m not ok

not really

i don’t want to today

but I do. And I will

I just don’t know why


Excellent, Slug!

Very kind of you. I hope Tuesday finds you glorious x

Well done Slug. Gold star !
